International Dot Day

Today we celebrated International Dot Day.  This project takes place on or around September 15th and it is based on the book The Dot by Peter Reynolds.  The Dot is a heartwarming story about not being afraid to express yourself.  Teachers everywhere now celebrate this as a day of global creativity and courage as they read the book with their students and encourage them to express themselves in some way.  We were excited to join in on the fun!


We read the book and had a discussion about how we should always be willing to try our best and to use the talents that God has given us.  Then each student colored their special dot on this paper.



We then used iPads and the app coLAR to make that drawing 3D and interactive.



Watch this video of the 3D in action!

Here are more photos of our fun!
International Dot Day on PhotoPeach

Special thanks to Shannon Miller for the idea that was posted HERE